How To Write A Letter Of Intent For A Scholarship

How To Write A Letter Of Intent For A Scholarship

A Letter of Intent is an important step in the process of applying for a scholarship. The selection process for a scholarship is based on the quality of a letter of intent provided by an applicant. As the name goes, a letter of intent does just that.

It showcases an applicant’s intent, reason, passion, determination, potential, and more. An aptly worded letter of intent for a scholarship can go a long way in these cases because it directly conveys an applicant’s drive and commitment. This article provides guidelines on how to write a letter of intent for a scholarship.

How to Write A Letter Of Intent For A Scholarship

A letter of intent for a scholarship should be correctly formatted and written to capture the judges’ interest. They will determine whether or not to grant you funding to further your academic objectives. Here are some tips for writing a letter of intent that will stand out if you haven’t written one before:

  1. Start by introducing yourself and telling the scholarship committee why you are interested in their scholarship. For example, I am currently enrolled at ____ University, pursuing my degree in ____.
  2. Provide information about your academic background and extracurricular activities to show that you are an engaged student with an active interest in your field of study. For example, I have been awarded both undergraduate and graduate scholarships from ____ University for my involvement in _______. In addition, my time has also been spent teaching younger students the basics of computer programming through the local school system. As such, I believe I would be an excellent candidate for this scholarship because I am committed to supporting education in all forms.
  3. Briefly outline what you need or want from the scholarship: The funds could be used towards tuition, living expenses, or travel costs associated with attending conferences or workshops related to my studies.
  4. End your letter on a strong note: Thank you again for considering me as one of the recipients of this scholarship! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
  5. Finish off with a formal closing: I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Regards, __________
  6. Send your letter electronically to the address provided on their website, and cross your fingers!
  7. And finally, don’t forget to keep copies of everything so you can refer back to them later if necessary! 8. Once you’ve completed these steps, submit your letter and wait patiently for the response!
  8. Be sure to follow up if they say they’ll get back to you within a certain period. If you haven’t heard anything, try calling them or sending another email.
  9. If they offer feedback on your application before rejecting it, consider what they said before submitting another application elsewhere.
  10. You may find that this leads to more opportunities in the future, whether that means applying for other scholarships or networking with new people who might help you down the line!
  11. Don’t give up hope just yet; sometimes, things work out when we least expect it!

Parts Of A Letter Of Intent

The scholarship letter of intent contains the following parts

1. The letterhead: The first and foremost thing that your letter should have is information about you, including your name, address, and contact information.

2. Introducing yourself and your educational goals: Introduce yourself to the scholarship committee by mentioning why you are applying for the scholarship and your educational purposes. Be sure to mention any circumstances that may have hindered you from reaching these goals in the past and how this particular scholarship will help you overcome these obstacles.

You might also want to mention any awards or honors you’ve won or even an instance where you helped someone else who was in need. The introduction should be brief, but it should include everything the scholarship committee needs to know about your background so they can make an informed decision about awarding you a scholarship.

3. A record of previous academic achievement: Your letter should then go on to explain any accomplishments or achievements you’ve made at school so far, such as making the honor roll, participating in extracurricular activities, and maintaining good grades. Show the scholarship committee that their money will not go to waste if they award you a scholarship because you’ll most likely use it wisely and responsibly.

4. Experience and skills related to working: Talk about any experience or skills you have that would relate to the field of work the scholarship is intended for. For example, if you’re applying for a photography scholarship, mention how much you love taking pictures and working with photography equipment like cameras, lights, etc. If applying for a journalism scholarship, mention your experience interviewing people in public places.

5. Objectives for the long term and the short term: The last paragraph of your letter of intent should describe the objectives you plan to accomplish both shortly (within five years) and the distant future (more than five years). These objectives should align with what you wrote about your academic performance and life experiences. For example, if you mentioned that you wanted to attend graduate school when discussing your academic performance earlier in the letter, then your objective for the distant future would state something along those lines.

What Not To Do In A Scholarship Letter Of Intent

When writing a scholarship letter of intent, you should not do the following:

A Sample Scholarship Letter Of Intent

From: Eddie Wilson
7 S. Homestead Ave.
Laredo, TX 78043

November 4, 2023

To: William Steele
Head of Scholarship Program
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712

Letter of intent for a scholarship for an MBA

This letter serves as my application for the full scholarship to pursue an MBA in robotics at The University of Texas at Austin, beginning in September. I am writing to express my interest in applying for the scholarship for this course because I was chosen to enroll in the course at your university.

I have always studied hard in my academic career. I’ve always excelled academically and engaged in a variety of extracurricular activities, including robotics school, baseball, and animal shelter volunteer work. With honors, I earned a bachelor’s degree in robotics and artificial intelligence. I’ve always desired to go back to school and attend The University of Texas at Austin to earn a master’s degree in the same field. The scholarship will enable me to complete my MBA program and realize my dream.

I respectfully ask that you give my application for the full scholarship some thought. I appreciate your time in advance. At the top of this letter, you will find my phone number or email address. I look forward to hearing from you.

Eddie Wilson


Writing an exceptional letter of intent for a scholarship requires a skillful blend of investigation, customization, and an authentic presentation of your credentials and goals. Your letter of intent serves as a platform for you to speak up and persuade the scholarship committee that you are the most worthy applicant. Don’t forget to highlight your relevance, personalize your letter of intent to the particular scholarship, and write in an engaging yet professional manner. Your motivation letter can make a lasting impression and lead to the academic opportunities you’ve always wanted with commitment, thoughtful preparation, and attention to detail.


1. What Is The Purpose Of A Letter Of Intent For A Scholarship?

Generally, a letter of intent is a document that contains the writer’s intentions to the reader. In the case of a scholarship award, a letter of intent can be referred to as a statement of purpose where you describe the importance of being awarded the scholarship.

2. How Do You Introduce Yourself In A Letter Of Intent?

Use the first one or two sentences of your letter to formally introduce yourself. This section should include your name, a brief explanation of your current experience level and your reason for writing. For example, if you are a recent graduate, include information about your degree and areas of study.

3. Is A Letter Of Intent Handwritten?

Your letter of intent can be typed or written out by hand and sent by email or by physical mail. A handwritten note sent physically can add a nice, personal touch that stands out, but there’s only a short window to send the letter, so this may not be feasible.